Sunday, January 27, 2008

Stop Dreaming

Ya know, I actually changed my party affiliation to Republican so I can vote for him in the February 9 primary. I have never ever been so involved in politics like I have been this year adn it's all becasue of that man. Ron Paul is the man!!

Friday, January 25, 2008


McCain is being labeled as the preliminary winner for the Louisiana Caucus which is total bull. Unfortunately for Ron Paul, I wasn't able to to vote due to the idiotic rule of needing to be a Republican to vote and not finding out till 2 days before the "change your party" deadline. And there I was thinking choosing "other" was the best way to go. I have heard about too many people who registered as far back as month prior to the deadline who had to casts provisional ballots, which mainly means there's a chance it won't count. Total bullshit I say. Total.